I gave a talk last night on kicking the sugar habit. Or at least I was supposed to. Due to time restrictions, my talk became a jumbled presentation to an audience of about 30 female entrepreneurs. I was so excited for this evening and saw myself vividly in my mind, time and time again, giving a confident and engaging speech about the white stuff and how we need to rid it from our lives or at least most of it.
My brain injury got the better of me in this situation as my preparations didn’t mean a thing when faced with the time constraints. Sorting through cue cards, feeling embarrassed, overwhelmed, anxious, and perhaps feeling like my audience may have thought I was inept on my subject, I stumbled through bits and pieces of information that also left my audience with more questions than answers I suspect.
It didn’t go how I envisioned it at all, but, this morning, upon reflecting, I realize that what matters the most is that I personally empowered some women to have the courage to just show up. Stepping back and realizing what a difficult feat that is for so many women today and hence, is the importance of Coaching and why I am so passionate about it.
Women were glad for the sisterhood felt in the room . . . the opportunity to have human contact and to make connections . . . to find comfort in a room full of strangers. To be amongst others who have had the same courage to start a business but then who had stepped back from shouting about it to the world because they faced the same fears . . . judgment, rejection, failure, compare and despair.
Our mentality or old wiring hones in on self-doubt and self-sabotage when we need to firmly believe in ourselves and launch!
Launch it, dirty girls!! Fail! Learn! Get up and start over or pick yourself up from where you are and re-launch and just keep doing it . . . over and over, until you’re DOING IT! I launched myself very publicly and very dirty last night, but the outcome of the event was fabulously EMPOWERING for several.
I am an Empowerment Coach. I am vulnerable and imperfect. I make mistakes. I forget things. I launch dirty. BUT, I show up for myself again and again and again! This is my intention with my clients as well. The biggest thing I ask of my clients is for them to show up for themselves in our Coaching Container and I will hold space for them to achieve their dreams. If you give it half a chance, you will come to see that thoughts become things.