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My First Detox: My Top 3 Takeaways

Writer's picture: Coach CassandraCoach Cassandra

Updated: Nov 2, 2018

May 2018

First and foremost, I was blown away by the incredible support that I found, gave and appreciated in this process. Not only having Amy, my Accountability Partner, but the 2000 people in the group who were there to lean on and to offer support to. I felt even more accountable to myself because of their presence in my life through the process. The 2 way flow of love and energy was amazing.

Amy and I understood each other very naturally and our support for each other in the process was simple. We had a conversation to set our intentions and to make each other aware of what we needed from each other and how we wanted to be accountable to each other. It is important to understand that there is no room in this process for judgement, labeling or self-doubt. We did not grind on each other if we had what some may call a “slip-up.” This process is to be whatever you want or need it to be. We gave each other unconditional support, inspiration and courage. We confided in each other and we grew from our friendship and accountability style. Our growth and confidence in each other continue as we are finding strength in our friendship and our Coaching careers today.

The second revelation for me was the unexpected shift in my “something greater than” area of life. Suddenly, I am aware of and grateful for so many things I have taken for granted in the past. I mean, after brain injury, I learned to appreciate things differently and to accept the gifts I was given despite the fact that they may not have seemed like gifts at the time.

But now, I HEAR the internal messages that my body and mind are providing me. I am listening to my instinct and not shutting it down as quickly as I had done before more often than not. I am not living in fear anymore and have the courage to believe in my connection with the universe and all of its offerings. I am living my truth and it has set me free. I am literally walking around appreciating my life and everything in it from the moment I awaken to the second I nod off at night. I know that things that challenge me are stretching me so that I might have more to offer up to the world.

I hadn’t yet started my group Detox yet, but days later, I was filling out my Guide and setting my intentions and my #1 focus was on CAREER! Midway through the Detox phase, I awakened one day with fatigue 10 times worse than my normal fatigue. I usually soldier myself through my morning ritual and get my ass out the door to the grinding, life-sucking, brain-draining, drive-me-crazy f@#*ing job that sucks every ounce of energy out of me and my injured brain and leaves me bitter, cynical and resentful at the end and beginning of every day.

As I had unusually gone back to bed, Steve said, “Cookie (my nick-name), stay home! Take the day if you need it!” He left for work and I dragged my sleepy, drained, tired ass out of bed, made my lunch and got in the shower.

As I went to open my dresser drawer, there was a loud yelling inside of my entire being that just said “NO!!!!” I stopped moving, I hesitated, my natural instinct was to fight it and tell myself I had to go to work. I was still and I listened as I heard it again. I heeded the message, called in sick. I rested, told myself I would rest today and that I would not feel guilty for it. Badly needed.

An hour later, as I so routinely did, I was on hoping to find the miracle job that I had been seeking for 6 years, that would allow me to work part time and to have the flexibility I needed to live a better quality of life. I found one that thrilled me, I applied. In less than an hour, I was invited for an interview. Again, many details I will leave out here but in less than a week, I was hired in a position that INTERESTS me and provides me with more flexibility than I ever dreamt possible (including the ability to work from my home office as wanted).

I was about to have a better quality of life in a few weeks, every damn day!! I won’t just get to be my best possible self two days a week . . . it’s going to be a full 7! That’s a 10 on my happiness indicator. I will now have what I have ultimately been after . . . TIME! I will have the ability to self-pace my days, giving me more “brain” time for my studies, my family, my Steve, my clients and to feel better! If this doesn’t provide proof of the mysterious ways of the universe and the messages that we receive and try to tuck down, I don’t know what could.

Another unexpected result of the Detox revolved around my relationship with food. I thought I had that all tucked away. Turns out I was wrong. When I began my journey of healing from brain injury and had to find a way to get better since conventional medicine wasn’t doing anything for me, I started coaching myself on my relationship with food. I had unknowingly gone through a bit of a Detox on my own, battled some deep dark demons and thought I had a pretty good thing going.

I faithfully logged my meals on MyFitnessPal (MFP) for the last 4 years every damn day. A short time into the May 2018 Detox, I realized that I had not logged into MFP for a few days. I had magically become more concerned with WHAT I was eating and not counting calories or anything beyond the concern that I felt satiated. AND, I did! AND I was losing a few pounds . . . then as the Detox was coming to an end, I freaked inside and wondered, what will life be like post-Detox?

Guess what, no tracking, naturally inclined to make healthy choices, eating like a horse, stress level wayyyyy down and again, more shocking weight loss. Holy crap! Weight loss without trying! UNHEARD of in my lifetime! My habit changes 4 years ago were a great foundation for where I went with this Detox but my gained knowledge from this experience has molded me in ways I could not imagine.

For anyone struggling with health concerns, weight loss, recovery from injury, life crisis, body image issues, lack of confidence or fear, frustration with career or depression, a Detox is a great way to clean house for so many reasons. This is just a small glimpse into the amazing things that can be accomplished through working with a Coach and it is my great hope that if you should decide a Coach would be right for you or someone that you know, that I will come to mind. I am ready to hold a vision for you and to believe in your capability as I have done for myself. Peace, Love and Light




©2018 by Coach Cassandra. Proudly created with

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